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Cawfee Glass Painting night

Paintings DIY Class Arts & Culture Classes Snacks Dessert Coffee Wine Specials Smoking Friendly Craft

What’s Happening?

Our Place to Create is a brand new creative mobile art studio featuring classes taught by various local and national artists.

During this fun two-hour class you will be able to relax, unwind and create your own unique designs!

Kebbie will guide you through each step of painting two of your very own wine glasses, coffee mugs, beer stein OR your own **Glass smoking piece!

You will be able to use your own creative prowess, or we can help you come up with something fun!

This is a patient friendly event. We will have a medication area for valid patients at this private after hours event at Chill.

Your ticket includes your choice of Chill Cawfee beverages, delicious bites, a special CBD surprise and, of course, an evening of FUN and CREATING!

NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Anyone can do this. Step by step instruction provided.

Tickets must be purchased in advance due to limited space.

**glass smoking pieces available at a discounted upcharge

Tickets must be purchased in advance due to limited space.

Our Place to Create is a brand new creative mobile art studio featuring classes taught by various local and national artists.

During this fun two-hour class you will be able to relax, unwind and create your own unique designs!

Kebbie will guide you through each step of painting two of your very own wine glasses, coffee mugs, beer stein OR your own **Glass smoking piece!

You will be able to use your own creative prowess, or we can help you come up with something fun!

This is a patient friendly event. We will have a medication area for valid patients at this private after hours event at Chill.

Your ticket includes your choice of Chill Cawfee beverages, delicious bites, a special CBD surprise and, of course, an evening of FUN and CREATING!

NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Anyone can do this. Step by step instruction provided.

Tickets must be purchased in advance due to limited space.

**glass smoking pieces available at a discounted upcharge

Tickets must be purchased in advance due to limited space.

More about Chill Cawfee
We are a coffee shop with a twist, we host hemp and botanical events at our locations
When & Where
Apr 23, 2021, 6:00pm to 9:00pm Timezone: CDT

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