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Community Clinic with Anne O'Neal

What’s Happening?

Welcome to our new herb clinics! We are excited to offer regular sliding scale help for those looking to become healthier with herbs. We believe in the concept of mutual aid to help empower people and long term support for recovery. We work to support everyone, especially if you feel underserved or unable to find answers for your health needs with our local non-profit.

What we can assist you with:

*Minor bug bites *Scratches *Aches and pains due to pulled or sore muscles *Dry skin *Minor skin irritations *Non-infected wounds *Nervousness *Anxiety *Insomnia *Grief *Stress *Sadness *Feelings of heaviness *Minor coughs *Circulation *Immune support *Minor headaches *Bloating *Gas *Acid indigestion *Constipation *Pain *Blood Sugar Questions *Inflammation *Food Sensitivities

*Our practitioners are unable to treat, diagnose or cure disease. Always be sure to have an open wound, infection, or suspected illness checked by a licensed medical professional* Our clinicians have a diversity of backgrounds, if you let us know your complaint we can match you with the appropriate practitioner.

Consultations with Anne will be held both in-person and virtually.

All herbal blends recommended during the 30 minute consultation will be offered at a 20% discount.

Anne ONeal was born in the Pacific Northwest and spent her childhood playing outside in brambly forts, dodging stinging nettles, searching for four-leaf clovers and hiking our wild places. She has worked with plants informally for much of her life, but a persistent Hawthorn sapling in the early 2000’s led her to a more formal study of plants and plant medicine. Anne attended the Vital Ways School for Holistic Clinical Herbalism where she received a two year Clinical Western Herbalism Certificate and completed a Clinical Practicum. In 2020, she completed the internship program at The Herb Shoppe and has been working there ever since.

Anne’s philosophy is that our bodies evolved alongside plants and there are many ways to incorporate their healing power into our lives. Plant medicine offers us paths to vitality, autonomy, and resilience. We can gather seeds and tend the plants we need to help us stay healthy and thrive. Anne enjoys working with adolescents and young adults as they navigate growing bodies, shifting hormones, and the stresses of growing into adults. Other areas of interest include incorporating herbs into everyday habits to support the immune system, restful sleep, healthy digestion, and working with athletes. She’s happiest when running on a trail or paddling on the river, but she’s never moving too fast to stop and notice a bud ready to burst open or a tenacious weed growing through the sidewalk.

Welcome to our new herb clinics! We are excited to offer regular sliding scale help for those looking to become healthier with herbs. We believe in the concept of mutual aid to help empower people and long term support for recovery. We work to support everyone, especially if you feel underserved or unable to find answers for your health needs with our local non-profit.

What we can assist you with:

*Minor bug bites *Scratches *Aches and pains due to pulled or sore muscles *Dry skin *Minor skin irritations *Non-infected wounds *Nervousness *Anxiety *Insomnia *Grief *Stress *Sadness *Feelings of heaviness *Minor coughs *Circulation *Immune support *Minor headaches *Bloating *Gas *Acid indigestion *Constipation *Pain *Blood Sugar Questions *Inflammation *Food Sensitivities

*Our practitioners are unable to treat, diagnose or cure disease. Always be sure to have an open wound, infection, or suspected illness checked by a licensed medical professional* Our clinicians have a diversity of backgrounds, if you let us know your complaint we can match you with the appropriate practitioner.

Consultations with Anne will be held both in-person and virtually.

All herbal blends recommended during the 30 minute consultation will be offered at a 20% discount.

Anne ONeal was born in the Pacific Northwest and spent her childhood playing outside in brambly forts, dodging stinging nettles, searching for four-leaf clovers and hiking our wild places. She has worked with plants informally for much of her life, but a persistent Hawthorn sapling in the early 2000’s led her to a more formal study of plants and plant medicine. Anne attended the Vital Ways School for Holistic Clinical Herbalism where she received a two year Clinical Western Herbalism Certificate and completed a Clinical Practicum. In 2020, she completed the internship program at The Herb Shoppe and has been working there ever since.

Anne’s philosophy is that our bodies evolved alongside plants and there are many ways to incorporate their healing power into our lives. Plant medicine offers us paths to vitality, autonomy, and resilience. We can gather seeds and tend the plants we need to help us stay healthy and thrive. Anne enjoys working with adolescents and young adults as they navigate growing bodies, shifting hormones, and the stresses of growing into adults. Other areas of interest include incorporating herbs into everyday habits to support the immune system, restful sleep, healthy digestion, and working with athletes. She’s happiest when running on a trail or paddling on the river, but she’s never moving too fast to stop and notice a bud ready to burst open or a tenacious weed growing through the sidewalk.

More about The Herb Shoppe
The Herb Shoppe
When & Where
Mar 22, 2023, 10:00am to
Mar 27, 2024, 2:00pm Timezone: PDT

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