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Pictures at an Exhibition: A ROCO Musical Promenade

With Friends Local Date Night Museum Exhibit Art Exhibition Classical

What’s Happening?

Explore Modest Mussorgsky’s beloved masterwork Pictures at an Exhibition – written as a tribute to his dear friend, artist Viktor Hartmann – in a unique collaborative performance featuring ROCO pianist Mei Rui in excerpts from the composer’s original piano suite, paired with artworks from the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston's collections, introduced by Margaret Mims, Senior Manager of Learning and Interpretation at MFAH. 

The concert will take place in the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston’s Brown Auditorium Theater, located in the lower level of the Caroline Weiss Law Building, followed by a guided tour of featured art. Admission to the concert and to the museum is free that evening.

Explore Modest Mussorgsky’s beloved masterwork Pictures at an Exhibition – written as a tribute to his dear friend, artist Viktor Hartmann – in a unique collaborative performance featuring ROCO pianist Mei Rui in excerpts from the composer’s original piano suite, paired with artworks from the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston's collections, introduced by Margaret Mims, Senior Manager of Learning and Interpretation at MFAH. 

The concert will take place in the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston’s Brown Auditorium Theater, located in the lower level of the Caroline Weiss Law Building, followed by a guided tour of featured art. Admission to the concert and to the museum is free that evening.

Special Instructions
Paid parking is available in the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston's two garages.
More about ROCO (River Oaks Chamber Orchestra)
ROCO is a dynamic and innovative Houston-based professional music ensemble that flexes from 1 to 40 players from all over the US and Canada, with guest conductors from around the world. Performing intimate concerts in dozens of venues, ROCO’s musicians do not just give concerts — they challenge preconceptions, create extraordinary experiences and foster new relationships with audiences through the language of music.
When & Where
Feb 17, 2022, 7:00pm to 8:00pm Timezone: CST

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